WSI – Winterschlussinvites - Daniel Jähnichen

WSI – Winterschlussinvites über Invites:

Quality is our passion. The one thing is supposed to stand for is that every recommendation should be worth your time. Our goal is for you to open the site and immediately find something good to read. That’s why we’re not able to allow registration for everyone. In order to sign up at, you’ll need an invite code. By that, the only way to get in is through fellow users.

If you do have an account, you’ll get invites through an automatic system which decides whether you’ve done things that pleased the community. Among other things, it’s based on how good you’re communicating with others as well as which and how many people have liked your quotes.

So yes, there’s a certain preciousness and responsibility to each invite. We’ll let you know as soon as you’re worthy of inviting another person – and we sure hope that you choose wisely. It’s nice to know that someone who’s been wanting an invite finally gets one, but it’s even nicer if that person is able to recommend great stuff and matches the, well, this is going to sound awkward, „spirit“ of

… und um die Qualität zu wahren, würde ich euch bitten, wenn ihr einen Invite zu wollt, einfach einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen, mit einem Quote, dem Link dazu und einem kleinen Text, warum ihr bei mitmachen wollt. Danke =)

Im Ganzen hätte ich noch 3 Invites zu verteilen. Solange der Vorrat reicht!

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