That Fucking Party – A Short Film - Daniel Jähnichen

That Fucking Party – A Short Film

Total schöner Kurzfilm von Alex Marinica. Enjoy!

via electru

Filanly! This is just what I was looking for.

wow, amal’s little video is up to 3,223 views on youtube. let’s help it go viral because it is just that easy to make apartheid-less bubbles in your soda. that’s really how to “empower consumers,” away from corporate sponsorship of occupation.

Logic Posted on Micul Titulescu vrea sa demonstreze ca ar putea fi MARELE Corsican!Numai ca el ESTE doar un arivist mistuit de dorul puterii vremelnice,fara putinta de a realiza ce insemna a detine PUTEREA cea binecuvantata si binefacatoare.In fond,e un RATAT politic!

I could only think that your stars were in the perfect place that he called off the wedding before you went ahead. That was a very inspiring read. Hats Off to you

Mi scusi signor Paolo, ma non e' piu' possibile scaricare gratuitamente il suo libro LUNA!SI CI SIAMO STATI? Ne in formato PDF ne in Epub (Che era quello che cercavo)La casa editrice Lulu mette a disposizione solo quello a pagamento…Cosa e' successo? Può essere solo un problema momentaneo?

Having a scatological predilection, I must say we have gone from leading from behind to bleeding from behind. That is a result of our hemorrhoidal foreign policy, so well described by Daniel, informed as it is by orifices who think of themselves as oracles.Sorry if offense is taken. I must deflect my pessimism with humor, lest I dissolve in despair.

J’y vais me renseigner sur le squale. Pour nous sortie montagne aujourd’hui, 900m de déniv +. Notre doyen (86 ans) nous a bien suivi. Sacrée santé. On n’a même pas chaussé les raquettes, la neige étant “marchable”. Bonne soirée. DENIS

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