But what's the story behind this character? How did we get here? Let's dive into the evolution of Deadpool, the "merc with a mouth."

Fear not, hermits: The next 5 months are packed with new and original programming from your surrogate significant other, Netflix. Whether you're an Orange Is The New Black binger or can't wait for Baz Luhrmann's debut, as winter turns to spring your eyes are sure to be burning the good burn. See below for the next 20 weeks of your social schedule, and we'll see you this summer.

… das ist wieder viel zum schauen. Aber freu mich total auf House of Cards, OITNB, Daredevil und natürlich Kimmy Schmidt. Denke in Love werde ich mal reinschauen, klingt bisher ganz gut!

2015 was a good year for video games — with new releases that ranged from startling teen dramas to gritty post-apocalyptic RPGs — and 2016 is shaping up to be just as impressive. It’s a year where virtual reality headsets, ones capable of playing fantastic games, will be on store shelves and in people’s homes, unleashing entirely new kinds of interactive experiences. It’s a year in which iconic franchises like The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Doom look to return to their former luster. It might even be the year that The Last Guardian finally comes out.

… und nicht gerade wenig u_u


So, 2016 richtig? Warum haben wir eigentlich immer noch keine fliegenden Autos? Naja, kommt vielleicht noch. Aber in diesem Sinne, ich hoffe ihr seid alle gut und ohne Verluste ins neue Jahr gerutscht. Auf ein gutes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr =)